The Last Affair

The Last Affair

Dir: Tony Au
Scr: Fung Suk-yin
Prod Co: Pearl City
Cast: Caroline Cheng (aka Dodo Cheng), Pat Ha, Chow Yun-fat, Season Ma, Chang Kuo-chu
1983 / Colour / D Beta / Cantonese / 92min
Tony Au made his first foray into directing, bringing with him a wealth of aesthetic aspirations and sensibilities from his previous capacity as a New Wave art director. The tangled web of love, among an unhappily married tourist, a bride-to-be who gets cold-feet and a caddish violinist with a wandering eye, is tempered with intellectual and romantic strokes, their insoluble dilemma heightened and flavoured by its Parisian locale. Au took artistic licence with the plot and characters, instilling an air of cultured sophistication in his cast that permeates the scenes. Inspired by William Chang's visionary artistic direction and captured by Bill Wong's visually arresting cinematography, this first and last Parisian affair of on-screen partners Chow Yun-fat and Caroline Cheng endures as an embodiment of European charm and glamour.
Date Time Venue
5/5/2017(Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive