The Stars, the Silver Screen and the Qipao

Date: 1/9/2017 - 1/1/2018

Venue: Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Film Archive
Seminar: 25/11/2017 (Sat) 4:30pm 
Mini Wool Felt Qipao DIY Workshop: 
11/11/2017 (Sat) 10:15am - 1:00pm
12/11/2017 (Sun) 10:15am - 1:00pm
25/11/2017 (Sat) 10:15am - 1:00pm
26/11/2017 (Sun) 10:15am - 1:00pm

24 qipao costumes of films from 1949-2001 on display, bringing you on a cultural journey through early Republic years to 1960s. Some once worn by stars such as Zhou Xuan, Bai Guang, Li Xianglan (aka Shirley Yamaguchi Yoshiko), Li Lihua, Linda Lin Dai and Betty Loh Ti in the early black and white films are resumed to their full coloured glory for the first time!