Black Rose

Black Rose

Dir: Chor Yuen
Scr: Ho Pik-kin
Prod Co: Rose
Cast: Nam Hung, Connie Chan Po-chu, Patrick Tse Yin, Sima Wah-lung
1965 | B&W | Digital File | Cantonese | 94min

Black Rose is another film by Rose M.P. Company, which produced Rose in Tears (1963), but features an entirely different kind of rose. She is the title character, a Robin Hood figure —a mix of the good-hearted bandit of Chinese lore, the jewel thief of Hollywood, the action woman of Hong Kong films and the quick-witted tough cookie of the west. She is also two persons, literally, a pair of sisters played by key figures from two separate generations of 1960s stars, Nam Hung and Connie Chan Po-chu. The film is also the prototype of the 'Jane Bond' film, one of the most intriguing genres in the history of Hong Kong cinema. Again, Chor Yuen finds himself in the middle of major transitions.

Date Time Venue
19/2/2023 (Sun) # [Full House] 4:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

# Post-screening talk with director Philip Yung; Moderator: Sam Ho

The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the presenter. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.