

Dir: Ng Wui
Scr: Cheng Kang
Prod Co: The Union
Cast: Cheung Wood-yau, Pak Yin, Ng Cho-fan, Lee Ching, Cheung Ying
1963 | B&W | Digital File | Cantonese | 92min

This all-star production was made to commemorate Union Film's 10th anniversary. Sea is somewhat a sequel to Road (1959), another film about the war against Japan that features most of the company's stars. This is in fact a road movie on water and the edict 'helping each other while sharing the same boat', while informing both films, takes on more significance here. The war experience is even more difficult this time around, as the microcosm of passengers in a boat is subjected to ever dreadful devastations. The misadventure eventually lands on an island, where guerrilla warfare breaks out, portrayed with body combat, gun fights and spectacular explosions, including a cliffhanger moment in which the usually docile Cheung Wood-yau literally rises to the occasion.

Date Time Venue
3/9/2023 (Sun) 2:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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