Feel 100%

Feel 100%

Dir: Joe Ma
Orig Story: Jeffrey Lau
Scrs: Joe Ma, Matt Chow
Prod Co: BoB & Partners
Cast: Sammi Cheng, Ekin Cheng, Eric Kot, Gigi Leung
1996 | Colour | Digital File | Cantonese | Chi & Eng Subtitles | 98min

Comic artist Jeffrey Lau departed from Hong Kong comics' usual themes of gangster rivals and martial arts when he penned Feel 100% in 1992. This series, drawn in Japanese style, unfolded complicated romantic relationships among some young urban professionals, and became an immediate success among young people in Hong Kong. Inspired by the American movie Some Kind of Wonderful (1987), director Joe Ma, known for his romantic comedies, adapted the comic series into an equally well-received production that was among the top ten highest grossing Hong Kong films in 1996, and its success led to a sequel as well as a few TV adaptions later on. The film adaptation conveys faithfully the yuppie lifestyle depicted in the comics, but keeps only the main plot about a guy asking his female best friend to help date another girl, without knowing that the former has fallen for him right from the beginning. These characters are convincingly delivered by a few young idols at the time, namely Ekin Cheng, Sammi Cheng and Gigi Leung. Radio host-turned-actor Eric Kot was cast as the male protagonist's roommate and added quite some hilarious moments to the film.

© 1996 WBEI

Date Time Rescheduled Date and Time Venue
2/9/2023 (Sat) # [Full House] 3:00pm Rescheduled to
28/10/2022 (Sat) (7pm)
Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

# Post-screening talk with Jeffrey Lau & Shu Kei

The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the presenter. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.