Love Follows Fortune

Love Follows Fortune

Dir: Chu Kea
Scr: Lee Yuen-man
Prod Co: Yongde
Co-starring: Yam Kim-fai, Tam Sin-hung, Poon Yat On, Cheung Sing-fei
1959 | B&W | Digital File | Cantonese | Chinese Lyrics | 89min

Impoverished scholar Leung (Yam Kim-fai) became a widower and his in-laws give him 30 taels of silver to find a new wife. He gives the money away to help an old man, a kindness witnessed by the young woman To (Fong Yim-fun), who is impressed and smitten. Needing to introduce his ‘new wife' to the in-laws, Leung seeks help from his cousin (Tam Sin-hung), whose husband Wong (Poon Yat On) had just bought To as maid, lusting after her. The cousin loans the maid to pose as Leung's wife but the jealous Wong poses as their servant to keep watch, creating hilarious havoc that fails to hinder the love developing between the scholar and the maid…Love Follows Fortune was released for the important Chinese New Year slot and became a big hit, playing six times a day and selling out each screening. Sparks are guaranteed to fly when Fong the Queen of Huadan is teamed with Yam the Sweetheart of Opera Fans, their chemistry further enhanced by the comical antics of the seasoned Poon as the rich man masquerading as a lowly servant, at once terrified of his wife and lustful of another young woman.

Date Time Venue
18/11/2022 (Fri) [Full House] 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
30/12/2022 (Fri) [Additional Screening] 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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