Black Cat

Black Cat

Dir/Prod: Stephen Shin
Scrs: Lam Wai-lun, Chan Bo-shun, Lam Tan-ping
Prod Co: D & B
Cast: Jade Leung, Simon Yam, Thomas Lam
1991 | Colour | DCP | Cantonese | Chi & Eng Subtitles | 91min

In this smart imagination of Luc Besson's Nikita (1990), young troublemaker Catherine (Jade Leung) is transformed into a ruthless assassin as a ‘Black Cat' microchip is implanted in her brain by a secret government agency. Her mission in Hong Kong is derailed when she finds herself in love with Thomas (Thomas Lam). In touch again with her humanity, Catherine starts to question her loyalty to the agency and ponder issues of personal identity: does she kill because of the chip in her head or because this is who she really is? Emphasising its protagonist's psychological torment, Black Cat stands out from other female action films produced by D & B. Vividly conveying the urgency of this torment, Leung shines in her award-winning screen debut.

Date Time Venue
15/10/2022 (Sat) # 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

# Post-screening talk with Winnie Fu

The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the presenter. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.