

Dir/Scr: Ng Wui
Prod Co: Union
Cast: Ng Cho-fan, Tsi Lo Lin, Lee Ching, Cheung Wood-yau, Pak Yin
1959 | B&W | DCP | Cantonese | 125min

A Chinese road movie indeed, taken after John Ford's Stagecoach (1939). Road is released in 1959, a time when Union Film was making major efforts to become more commercially viable. The film is in fact an action thriller, set in World War II, featuring guerilla exploits against Japanese occupation forces. Much of the story takes place inside a truck, in which a cross-section of characters is stuck, fighting among themselves and against Japanese authorities. Director and scriptwriter Ng Wu cleverly keeps the adventure interesting while the keeping with Union tradition of ‘all for one' unity and ‘one for all' selflessness.

Date Time Venue
3/9/2022 (Sat)  5:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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