Happiness is for Tomorrow

Happiness is for Tomorrow

Dir/Scr: Tso Kea
Orig Story: Cao Yu
Prod Co: Wah Kiu
Cast: Michael Lai, Cheung Ying, Pak Yin, Wong Man-lei, Lee Pang-fei
1963 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese | 116min

This is adapted by director Tso Kea from May Fourth author Cao Yu's famed novel. The extended family is again used as an embodiment of corrupt traditions, with three generations trapped under the same roof of outworn values. The dictatorial patriarch of the Tsang family is a dedicated practitioner of arranged marriages, forbidding his son to wed his beloved cousin. Years later, as family fortunes wither, the seriously-ill patriarch continues to wield power and orders his grandson Ting (Michael Lai), very much a kid at the tender age of 15, to get married. It is a superstitious behaviour to reverse the natural passage of an old man towards death. Lai rises up to the challenge of playing a teenager forced to leave his adolescence behind, delivering a convincing performance that bears witness to his command of acting skills.

Date Time Venue
1/10/2021 (Fri) 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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