Autumn Wind and Autumn Rain

Autumn Wind and Autumn Rain

Dir: Ng Wui
Scr: Lee Hang, Poon Fan
Prod Co: Eng Wah
Cast: Michael Lai, Pak Yin, Lee Ching, Wang Bao-zhen, Mo Mo
1962 | Colour | D Beta | Mandarin | 102min

Wind and rain are natural phenomena that often take on symbolic meaning when cited by humans. Autumnal wind and rain evoke states of sadness and desolation, especially in Chinese poetic expressions. A family of five live in squalid conditions. When the rent-chasing landlord comes knocking on the door, the father, as the sole breadwinner in the family, is working as a laborer while the mother is about to give birth. Things go from bad to worse when the father gets arrested on unwarranted charges and the mother falls ill with the children left on their own to survive. Michael Lai plays the second son, bringing to life a poverty-stricken child with an endearing sense of humour despite being forced by life's hardship to suspend his innocence. He animates his character with verve and charm. His shenanigans offer moments of sunshine in this otherwise gloomy social-realist drama.

Date Time Venue
17/9/2021 (Fri) 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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