To Catch a Thief

To Catch a Thief

Dir: Chan Man
Scr: Tung Fai
Prod Co: Kong Ngee
Cast: Michael Lai, Patrick Tse Yin, Nam Hung, Keung Chung-ping, Leung Suk-hing
1958 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese | Chinese Lyrics | 93min

Michael Lai's first leading turn in a Cantonese film, To Catch a Thief, finds him as a handsome shoe-shine boy, tart-tongued but compassionate, innocent deep down yet sophisticated on the surface. Though struggling to make ends meet, he would lend a helping hand to his neighbours (Patrick Tse Yin and Nam Hung). He witnesses the murder of a dance-hall girl, but having told way too many lies before, no one believes him. Soon finding himself pursued by both the police and the murderer, the boy is protected by nothing but his wits. Director Chan Man recognised Lai's potential after directing the boy in Murder on the Beach (1957) and therefore created a series of ‘Prodigy' films tailor-made for him. This film is the kick-off instalment. Lai rises to the occasion, demonstrating superb acting skills in portraying his character in a wide range of dramatic possibilities, from smart-mouthed to tender-hearted, from glib to sincere, from frightened to courageous.

Date Time Venue
6/8/2021 (Fri) 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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