It So Happens to a Woman

It So Happens to a Woman

Dir: Li Pingqian
Scr: Chu Hak
Prod Co: Great Wall
Cast: Michael Lai, Hung Sin Nui, Ping Fan, Fu Che, Josephine Siao Fong-fong
1955 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese (Dubbed) | 108min

Michael Lai's persona as a child star is that of an adorable, even precocious kid. Even when playing minor roles, he would steal the show with his charming presence, often with endearing animations of his round and expressive eyes. Here, Lai and Josephine Siao play siblings in a family, with opera actress Hung Sin Nui starring as their mother. Working at a newspaper, the mother is caught between career and family, a classic dilemma for women of modern times. Her husband doesn't like her working and threatens to divorce if she keeps her job. It So Happens to a Woman is the last film Hung Sin Nui participated in before leaving Hong Kong for the Mainland of China. It features the luminant Cantonese opera diva in the spectacles of singing popular songs in Mandarin. The songs, together with scenes featuring the dance performance of Lai and Siao, provide lively and fun-filled moments that enliven the otherwise burdensome drama of the mother's predicament.

Date Time Venue
23/7/2021 (Fri) 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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