Odd Couple

Odd Couple

Dir: Lau Kar-wing
Scrs: Lai Wai-man, Raymond Wong
Fight Choreographers: Lau Kar-wing, Sammo Hung
Prod Co: Gar Bo Films
Cast: Sammo Hung, Lau Kar-wing, Dean Shek, Leung Ka-yan, Mars
1979 | Colour | Digital File | Cantonese | Chi & Eng subtitles | 95min

Whoever wields a sabre must be merciless to let it do what it does best – slice, slash, chop and hack at close range. A spear, on the contrary, gains power with distance, so speed and precision is everything. The two equally lethal weapons come into one clash after another in action comedy Odd Couple, where Lau Kar-wing and Sammo Hung play two roles at the same time – as long-time rivals and each other's apprentice. Despite different martial arts backgrounds (Lau was trained in "hung fist" whereas Hung practised acrobatics in the likes of tumbles and somersaults), their chemistry is palpable, magnetic and impossible to miss – think the quiet nimbleness of a leopard meets the fearsome might of a tiger!

Courtesy of Mei Ah Entertainment Group Limited

日期 日期 Date 時間 时间 Time 地點 地点 Venue
17/1/2020 (Fri) # 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive