The Woman Between

The Woman Between

Dir: Ng Wui
Scr: Ng Dan
Prod Co: Lap Tat
Cast: Ma Si-tsang, Hung Sin Nui, Cheung Wood-yau, Wong Man-lei, Ng Wui
1955 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese | Chinese Lyrics | 98min

In this unconventional love triangle reminiscent of the film classic Waterloo Bridge (1940), destiny wreaks havoc on two innocent lovers, Yu (Cheung Wood-yau) and Yuen (Hung Sin Nui). After graduation, they plan to return home and inform their fathers about getting married. Yuen is shocked to discover her father's attempted suicide after money embezzlement, and the family narrowly escape catastrophe only when Chan (Ma Si-tsang) the debtor's son claims to be engaged to Yuen. As Yu loses contact with Yuen due to a car accident, Yuen eventually weds Chan. Both Hung and Ma show depth in their roles with interpretations rarely seen: Hung contrasts her twist of fate with stoic resilience while Ma is magnanimous and tender over the indignity of his wife leaving for her old flame.

Date Rescheduled Date Venue
14/8/2020 (Fri) (11am) Rescheduled to 7/5/2021 (Fri) (11am) Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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