Parents' Hearts

Parents' Hearts

Dir/Scr: Chun Kim
Prod Co: The Union
Cast: Ma Si-tsang, Wong Man-lei, Lam Kar-sing, Yuen Siu-fai
1955 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese | Chinese Lyrics | 111min

Ma Si-tsang is the old and downtrodden performer Lei. With his advancing age and outdated style, he goes downhill from being a stage buffoon to a street performer while pawning everything for his son (Lam Kar-sing) to finish his education. As a comedian, Lei's life may be far from ideal, but his optimism keeps him going. Director Chun Kim juxtaposes the snobbery of rich people with the compassion of Lei's equally impoverished friends and neighbours, making the film a tender ode to humanity. Ma plays his role with depth as he is crushed but not defeated by life, intertwined with sadness and joy. The plot provides Ma with plenty of singing opportunities including a song in his classic beggar vocal style, and roles as a witty female servant, beggar and rich miser which is, in fact, a sampler of his numerous celebrated roles.


Date Rescheduled Date Venue
17/7/2020 (Fri) (11am) Rescheduled to 6/11/2020 (Fri) (11am) Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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