Punish the Unfaithful

Punish the Unfaithful

Dirs: Chan Kwok-wah, Ng Yat-siu
Orig Story: Feng Menglong
Scr: Lam Fei
Prod Co: Jieli
Co-starring: Leung Mo-sheung, Leung Sing-por, Ng Kung-yin, Yu Ming
1955 B&W D Beta Cantonese 93 min

Though Law is known for her roles in Wuxia films, she constantly explores different genres and acting styles. Old Kam (Leung Sing-por) betroths his daughter Kam Yuk-lo (Law) to a poor scholar Mok Sui(Leung Mo-sheung). But once Mok succeeds in the imperial examination and his career soars up high, he falls for another woman and tries to get rid of Kam by watching her drowning and did nothing. Fortunately, she is rescued by a kind man who helps her punish the unfaithful lover. Based on the short story in Feng Menglong's Discerning Words to Instruct the World (Yu Shi Ming Yan), this film is the directorial debut of librettist Ng Yat-siu, with the participation of famous songwriter Wong Sum-fan in editing the story, and perfected by the incredible singing skills of the three leading actor/ess.

日期 日期 Date 時間 时间 Time 地點 地点 Venue
16/8/2019 (Fri) 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive