The Stubborn Generations
Dir/Scr: Lung To
Prod Co: Tao Yuen
Cast: Leung Sing-por, Ma Siu-ying, Yam Kim-fai, Law Yim-hing, Cheng Kwan-min, Tam Lan-hing
1960 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese | 106min
Fat Kau (Leung Sing-por) and his wife Lee (Ma Siu-ying) are not on the best terms with their fierce daughter-in-law Tang (Tam Lan-hing). It is their secret wish that their grandson Kim-kwong (Yam Kim-fai) would marry an ill-tempered woman—it would be, Kau and Lee think, poetic justice for Tang to have a taste of her own medicine. But to their disappointment, the granddaughter-in-law Yu-chu (Law Yim-hing) turns out to be meek and understanding. Kau and Lee therefore tricks Yu-chu into starting a quarrel with Tang. Rich in intricate details of everyday life, the film depicts a witty battle between vivid characters and auidences are going to have a great time seeing the three generations raising hell for each other.