Fishermen's Song of the South Sea
Dir: Chun Kim
Scr: Sima Man-sum
Prod Co: Nanguo
Cast: Ng Cho-fan, Pak Yin, Cheung Ying, Yung Siu-yi, Wong Cho-shan
1950 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese | 97min
Two years after screenwriting Fishing Village in the War, Chun Kim directed his own fishing village film with a script by Sima Man-sum, who was an active member of the Chinese Communist Party. Made during the early days of new Communist China, the film spared no subtlety in telling a story about people uniting for social reformation. Mastering the formula of a left-wing film, Chun brilliantly used long takes and depth of field to convey the clash between new and old classes. Deviating from the depiction of individual heroism in Fishing Village in the War, Chun promoted the idea that youths with radical, progressive thought held the key to defeating oppressors. Chun's films turned commercial gradually hereafter; this film thus became one of his few left-wing works.