Roar of the People

Roar of the People

Dir: Tang Xiaodan
Scr: Lee Fung
Prod Co: Grandview
Cast: Cheung Ying, Wong Ang, Fung Fung, Ng Wui, Tso Tat-wah
1941 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese | 118min

A traitorous businessman conspires with commanding officers to sell military supplies to the enemy. The plan is discovered by a group of poor but righteous people led by Lui Pang (Cheung Ying), who join hands with the guerrilla group to foil the plot. While making a harsh statement on those who exploited the national crisis to get rich, Tang Xiaodan portrayed vividly the sorrow and joy of the working class as well as an altruistic utopianism. The film begins with a song by Leung Mo-sik that describes the severity of war and the hardships endured by common people, intercut with real footages from war zones. The anti-war sentiment of the film is less political in nature and imbued with grave and genuine concern for the poor.

日期 日期 Date 時間 时间 Time 地點 地点 Venue
19/5/2019 (Sun) 5:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive