Holy Snake and Flying Tiger
Dir: Chu Kea
Scr: Lee Siu-wan
Librettist: Leung Shan-yan
Prod Co: Lux
Cast: Lam Kar-sing, Yu Lai-zhen, Poon Yat On, Lee Hong-kum
1961 B&W D Beta Cantonese Chinese Lyrics 99 min
This Lux Film Company fantasy treasure tells the story of the Queen of the Western Chamber (Lee Hong-kum) seducing Duke of Swallow (Poon Yat On) to make him seize the throne of the kingdom. As Queen of the Eastern Chamber (Yu Laizhen) and Prince Pang Fei (Lam Kar-sing) escape in a panic, they are luckily saved by flying tiger, with the help of the snake and fox fairy, who morph themselves into weapons to kill the enemies and help them to take back the kingdom. While the film makes good use of special effects to create a fantastical atmosphere, it also features remarkable martial feats and postures of Cantonese opera, such as chair-riding and hair-flinging by Lam Kar-sing, Poon's humorous disguise as a belle pushing the chariot for Yu also displays the true colour of opera veteran.