Sing Her a Love Song
Dirs/Scrs: Yeung Kung-leong, Ling Wan, Leung King-bok
Prod: Chan Cheuk-sang
Prod Co: The United
Cast: Sun Ma Si-tsang, Yam Kim-fai, Pak Suet-sin, To Sam-ku
1955 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese | 118min
Sing-song film featuring Cantonese-opera style music was very popular in the 1950s and Chan Cheuk-sang wisely hitched his wagon to that genre, producing a number of hits for The United with the strategy of hooking up to proven stars. A prime example is Sing Her a Love Song, featuring three of the biggest names in Cantonese opera, Sun Ma Si-tsang, Yam Kim-fai and Pak Suet-sin. The film is a contemporary comedy about ordinary folks, finding drama, love and something to sing about in their struggles surviving the urban jungle. Sun Ma, playing a repatriate from Vietnam trying his every wit to make a living, is something of an alter ego for Chan himself! The version being screened is approximately 10 minutes longer than the broadcast version.