The Lady in Black

The Lady in Black

Dir: Chu Kea
Scr: Cheng Kang
Prod Co: Zhulian
Co-starring: Siu Yin Fei, Mui Yee, Chow Chi-sing
1953 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese | 100min

Anyone who doubts Pak Yin and Cheung Wood-yau's screen chemistry should look no further than this romance drama. Cheung stars as Song Chi-chau, a man with three lovers: There's the perfect wife (Siu Yin Fei) that he doesn't love, the hostess (Mui Yee) who's only after his money, and finally, the feisty woman (Pak) who turns out to be perfect for him. Avoiding any moral judgment on the characters, writer Cheng Kang and director Chu Kea paint a devastatingly romantic picture of a doomed relationship, ending with a beautiful dance scene that proves once and for all that Pak and Cheung make the perfect screen couple.

日期 日期 Date 時間 时间 Time 地點 地点 Venue
6/4/2018 (Fri) # 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
10/4/2018 (Tue) 2:30pm Auditorium, North District Town Hall