Girl on the Front Page

Girl on the Front Page

Dir: Li Pingqian
Scr: Zhou Ran
Prod Co: Great Wall
Cast: Chen Sisi, Ping Fan, Liang Heng, Lee Dan-mei, Zhu Li
1960 | B&W | D Beta | Mandarin | 81min

Society is full of temptations; one mistake may ruin your life. In reporting on the disappearance of a young woman, a journalist discovers her tragic life. The young woman's father died during her childhood, her school sponsored her through primary school; to feed her family and repay the school, she decides to go to work. A hospital executive recommends her for a hospital job, but in her desperation to become a nurse she falls into a trap set by the executive. In the end she not only loses her job but also her true love. Li recounts the girl's sad life as the news story unfolds, tracing her psychological journey from being charmed to committing a crime. A big warning for his audience.

日期 日期 Date 時間 时间 Time 地點 地点 Venue
21/7/2018 (Sat) 5:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive