Parents' Love

Parents' Love

Dir: Li Pingqian
Scr: Chu Hak
Prod Co: Great Wall
Cast: Shek Hwei, Li Ciyu, Kung Chiu-hsia, Yan Chang (alias Paul Chun), Shui Weide
1953 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese (Dubbed) | 94min

A family lives at Sha Tin in poverty but cares for each other deeply. Trying to supplement income without worrying their loved ones, they each take on menial part-time jobs in secret. Instead of overwrought with sentimentality about sweats and toils or class conflicts, the film gives a plain and tender narration on hardships in life and noble sacrifices for the family. While the camera lingers on Sha Tin during dusk as people return from work and bond with friends, neighbours and children, the sense of realism in recording the flow of time imbues the film with a subtle shade of warmth. Such deviation from the main plot is rare in both Mandarin and Cantonese movies.

日期 日期 Date 時間 时间 Time 地點 地点 Venue
26/8/2018 (Sun) 7:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive