Woman in Danger

Woman in Danger

Dir: Yuan Qiufeng
Scr: Yi Fan
Prod Co: Cathay
Co-starring: Maria Ye Kwong, Chao Lei, Lily Mo Chou, Hilton Chiang Shan, Chiang Nan
1967 | Colour | DCP | Mandarin | 92min

A captivating suspense that revolves around a mysterious murder and a bunch of diamonds gone missing, Woman in Danger is Jimmy Lin's first Mandarin film that was wholly produced in Hong Kong. Once again, his appearance in the film resulted from serendipity. When he visited the set of Woman in Danger, director Yuan Qiufeng added a dance sequence featuring him and star Maria Ye Kwong, after learning that Lin was trained as a dancer. The performance, a "Wild Native" routine, is a return to Lin's career beginning, as he broke into film after winning a contest in indigenous folk dancing.

Screening courtesy of Cathay Organisation

日期 日期 Date 時間 时间 Time 地點 地点 Venue
26/1/2018 (Fri) 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive