Miracle in Chasing

Miracle in Chasing

Dir: Tso Kea
Scr: Lee Hang
Prod Co: Yun Yun
Cast: Lee Ching, Yung Siu-yi, Chan Chai-chung, Chow Chung, James Yi
1969 | B&W | D Beta | Cantonese | 108min

Salesgirl Ling (Chan Chai-chung) is the common target of three bachelors in this courtship comedy. Candidate number one, rich heir Ching is a frivolous opportunist; candidate number two, Kit is a hopeless weakling who takes all the useless advice from his love rival; candidate number three, the shy but honest Wai (Chow Chung) is the one that audiences actually sympathise with. A novice in the art of romance, Wai makes all kinds of funny mistakes on their first date. But thanks to the timely help of two experienced elders (played by real couple Lee Ching and Yung Siu-yi), Wai ultimately wins the maiden's heart in this light-hearted comedy.

日期 日期 Date 時間 时间 Time 地點 地点 Venue
2/2/2018 (Fri) 7:30pm Auditorium, North District Town Hall