Dir: Chan Chuen
Scr: Tang Han-hua
Prod Co: Lo Wei
Co-starring: Louie Castro, Eddie Chan, Paul Chung
1982 | Colour | D Beta | Cantonese | Chi & Eng subtitles | 93min
Leslie Cheung puts on his first James Dean impression in this 1982 youth drama, playing a rich brat who lives his life from one street race to another until one fateful evening changes everything. Released two months before Nomad, the Chan Chuen film is more melodramatic in its approach of disaffected youths, but it's nevertheless an entertaining ensemble drama with a few dark surprises up its sleeves and a breathtaking go-kart race that outdoes its Hollywood counterparts to boot. Cheung is also pitch perfect as a reckless youth whose tumultuous relationship with his single mother is offset by his loyalty to his fellow racer friends.
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