

Dir: Patrick Tam
Scrs: Chiu Kang-chien, Joyce Chan, Eddie Fong, Kam Ping-hing, John Chan Koon-chung, Patrick Tam
Prod Co: Century
Co-starring: Cecilia Yip, Kent Tong, Pat Ha, Cheng Meang-ha
1982 | Colour | D Beta | Cantonese | Chi & Eng subtitles | 91min

Culture clash, rebellion and unbridled sexuality drive this audacious youth drama from Hong Kong New Wave director Patrick Tam. While Pat Ha steals the show as the sexy vixen who captures the heart of a lifeguard (Kent Tong), Leslie Cheung and Cecilia Yip provide a cute romantic subplot. Even before hitting the top of the music charts with The Wind Blows On in 1983, Cheung was already a likable leading man with roles in television dramas. Nomad was not only part of his long streak as an idol with a hint of the dashing rebel, it also gave him his first best actor nomination at the Hong Kong Film Awards.

Courtesy of Mei Ah Entertainment Group Limited

Buy 10 tickets of Rouge and other screenings in the programme "Glory Days: When Leslie Met Anita" to receive a complimentary limited edition postcard set, featuring 8 unique designs inspired by signature works of Cheung and Mui. For details, please refer to Ticketing Information.

日期 日期 Date 時間 时间 Time 地點 地点 Venue
31/3/2018 (六) 2:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive