Saviour of the Soul

Saviour of the Soul

Dirs: Corey Yuen, David Lai
Scrs: Wong Kar-wai, Jeff Lau
Prod Co: Teamwork
Co-starring: Andy Lau, Kenny Bee, Aaron Kwok, Gloria Yip
1991 | Colour | 35mm | Cantonese | Chi & Eng subtitles | 91min

For the first film of Andy Lau's Teamwork Motion Pictures, Wong Kar-wai and Jeff Lau teamed up to co-write this otherworldly fantasy about the romantic entanglements of three mercenaries (Anita Mui, Andy Lau and Kenny Bee) and their battles with Silver Fox (Aaron Kwok). Almost as fantastical as the film's grandiose European production design is Mui's ability to create two distinct characters in a dual role performance, playing both the seductively cool mercenary Mei-kwan and her feisty yet older sister. It's rare to see an actress provide both the action moments and the comic relief in the same film, but it's no surprise that Mui pulls it off with gusto.

Courtesy of Focus Films Limited

Buy 10 tickets of Rouge and other screenings in the programme "Glory Days: When Leslie Met Anita" to receive a complimentary limited edition postcard set, featuring 8 unique designs inspired by signature works of Cheung and Mui. For details, please refer to Ticketing Information.

日期 日期 Date 時間 时间 Time 地點 地点 Venue
5/5/2018 (Sat) 2:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive