Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Dir/Scr: Yeung Kung-leong
Cast: Law Kim-long, Law Yim-hing, Leung Sing-po, Tam Lan-hing, Lee Hong-kum
1961 / B&W / D Beta / Cantonese / 95min

Due to a rule in their company that states all employees must be single, loving married couple Siu-ming (Law Kim-long) and Fung-yee (Law Yim-hing) are forced to act like strangers once they step out of their home. When the boss' wife (Tam Lan-hing) catches the boss (Leung Sing-po) with his secretary (Lee Hong-kum), the boss tries to clear his name by forcing Siu-ming to pose as the secretary's husband. Lies and misunderstandings become the stuff of hilarity in this breezy and wickedly entertaining domestic comedy. See why director Yeung Kung-leung was praised as one of the most inventive filmmakers of his generation in a breathtaking musical sequence that sees an office transform into a giant stage.

Date Time Venue
22/1/2017 (Sun) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
3/2/2017 (Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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