

Dir: Luk Bong
Scr: Lau Cheung-ching (aka Chan Wan)
Cast: Law Kim-long, Leung Sing-po, Wong Sun-nam, Tang Bik-wan, Cheng Kwan-min, Tam Lan-hing
1960 / B&W / D Beta / Cantonese / 91min

It's the same old love story filled up with loads of unconventional gender crossing: Boy (Law Kim-long) meets girl (Tang Bik-wan), boy cross-dresses to see girl in her home, girl's father (Leung Sing-po) and young sister (Ying Lai-lei) both fall in love with boy. This raucous and cleverly plotted romantic comedy about mismatches, gender confusion and true love will leave you breathless from laughter. Screen buddies Tam Lan-hing and Leung Sing-po are hilarious as always as the heroine's parents, while Law and Tang light up the screen as the perfect screen couple. Like any great Cantonese Lunar New Year comedy from the period, Fortune combines comedy and playful musical interludes to create an entertaining time at the movies that audiences of all ages can enjoy .

Date Time Venue
22/1/2017 (Sun) 5:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
31/1/2017 (Tue) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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