The Country Bumpkin

The Country Bumpkin

Dir: Yeung Kuen
Scrs: Chang Yu, Yeung Kuen, Chow Hang
Cast: Tam Bing-man, Lee Hong-kum, Lydia Sum, Hu Chin, Louise Lee
1974 / Colour / D Beta / Cantonese / 89min

Like The Beverly Hillbillies in the US, the story of the rural bumpkin as a fish out of water in the big city has always been the stuff of great comedy in classic Hong Kong cinema. Director Yeung Kuen's 1974 comedy traces the arduous, but comical journey of a rural man (Tam Bing-man) and his wife (Lee Hong-kum) as they stumble their way across the big city. Living in a cramped flat, shared with people from all walks of life, the two work in a series of odd jobs as they try to adapt to their crazy new life. With delightful local humor and a great cast led by Tam, Lee and Lydia Sum, the film was so successful that it spawned two sequels !

Date Time Venue
24/3/2017 (Fri) 11:00am Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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