

Dir: Alan Parker
Scr: Christopher Gore
Pho: Michael Seresin
Ed: Gerry Hambling
Prod: David De Silva, Alan Marshall
Prod Mgr: David Golden
Prod Co: MGM
Cast: Eddie Barth, Irene Cara, Lee Curreri, Laura Dean, Antonia Franceschi
USA | 1980 | Colour | DCP | English/French/Spanish | Chi & Eng subtitles | 133min

Filmed in a gritty, semi-documentary style, Fame follows eight aspirants as they pitch their talents for music, dancing and showbiz at an audition to get into a school for performing arts. Only that is when and where the real challenge begins. Four years later and the class take the stage for their graduation performance with the knowledge that a bona fide actor cannot go far with talents and charm alone, and their gruelling training is a mandatory process by which a rough stone is transformed into a precious gem. The spontaneous, high-energy ‘Hot Lunch Jam' creates one of few compelling moments that got the audience swaying in a synchronised rhythm. No sooner, the post-graduation euphoria ends and the harsh reality of work descends. Doris, who finally breaks free of her mother's stranglehold, is slapped with a healthy dose of reality when she runs into Michael, once a star student who winds up fulfilling the table-waiting actor cliché. Fortunes are fickle in the cutthroat world of showbiz and a true star is never born but forged with a will of steel.

Date Time Venue
4/6/2017 (Sun)# 2:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

# Post-screening talk with Ata Wong Chun-tat

The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the presenter. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.