Convivial Trio

Convivial Trio

Dir: Woo Mei-ping
Scr: Woo Mei-ping
Prod Co: Chung Ngai
Co-starring: Nancy Sit Kar-yin, Chan Chai-chung, Tam Bing-man, Lydia Sum
1970 / Colour / D Beta / Cantonese / 88min

Heiress Lam Sau-lai (Nancy Sit Kar-yin) manages to find the family warmth she lacks at home from her co-workers. One day, she accompanies Ho Yuet-ying (Chan Chai-chung) to a television audition and eventually becomes a major star. However, the temptation of romance, a rough patch in her career and a scam would soon make her regret the path she has taken. Like other film stars who turned to television after the rise of free-to-air television networks in the 1970s, To Ping and Chan Chai-chung returned to the silver screen once again after they were both established television stars. In addition to television stars Nancy Sit Kar-yin, Tam Bing-man, Lydia Sum and Wong Oi-ming, pop singers Betty Chung, Stella Chee and Cheng Kamcheong also make special appearances to double the fun. The Betacam tape used for this screening has suffered partial damages, resulting in blemished image and we appreciate your understanding.

日期 日期 Date 時間 时间 Time 地點 地点 Venue
4/4/2017(Tue) 5:30pm [ Additional Screening ] Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
8/4/2017(Sat)* 2:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive