The Perfect Wife?!

The Perfect Wife?!

Dir: Dean Shek
Scr/Prod: Raymond Wong
Prod Co: Cinema City
Cast: Dean Shek, Eric Tsang, Liu Jui-chi, Helena Law Lan, Paul Chun, Raymond Wong
1983 / Colour / D Beta / Cantonese / Chi & Eng Subtitles / 95min

After the success of Chasing Girls, Dean Shek and Eric Tsang team up again for this story of romantic rivalry between two cousins. Tin (Shek) is a ladies' man who will hit on any woman within his sight, but refuse to settle for anything less than a perfect wife. Tin is matched with naïve village girl Chu Tai-kam (Liu Juichi), whom he decides to shape into his ideal mate. One day, Tin's cousin James (Tsang) encounters Chu and falls for her. Not knowing that his cousin has fallen for his soon-to-be bride, Tin decides to pass on everything he knows about stealing another man's girl. Which one will win Chu's love: Experience or heart?

Date Time Venue
10/4/2016 (Sun) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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