The Ambitious Prince

The Ambitious Prince

Dir: Wong Fung
Scr: Wong Lei (aka Wong Fung)
Prod Co: Tai Seng
Co-starring: Ng Kwan-lai, Lan Chi Pak, Leung So-kam, Wah Wan-fung, Lau Hark-suen
1965 / B&W / D Beta / Cantonese / 103min

Crown Prince Kam Lun (Lee in cross-dressing role) meets and falls in love with Princess Hundred Flowers (Ng Kwan-lai) on a trip to the countryside. Scheming to usurp the throne, the traitorous minister Ku Tai-chai (Lau Hark-suen) colludes with his mentor, Devil of Eastern Summit (Wah Wan-fung), to cast a spell of madness upon the princess, forcing the prince to trade his heart for her cure. The heartless prince morphs from a filial son to a callous tyrant who drives his parents into exile. The princess, who raises an army to restore the king to the throne, finds herself fighting a futile cause against the devil's sorcery. Luckily, the princess's maid, Hung-to, uncovers the plot and retrieves the prince's heart. With his conscience restored, the prince joins hands with the princess to kill the sorcerer. Lee excelled in her portrayal of the conflict of good and evil in the prince's psyche. Also not to be missed is the dazzling array of stagecraft of the Northern School of martial arts, including ‘removing the foe's helmet', ‘shedding off the armour' and ‘snatching the flag' and much more.

Date Time Venue
25/11/2016 (Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
22/12/2016 (Thu) 11:00am Auditorium, North District Town Hall (Additional Screening)

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