Monkey in Hong Kong

Monkey in Hong Kong

Dir: Tang Huang
Scr: Wang Liuzhao
Cast: Tian Qing, Annette Chang Hui-hsien, Chen Fei-lung, Wang Chen, Liu Enjia
1969 / Colour / D Beta / Mandarin / 106min

This odd and imaginative spin-off of the Journey to the West legend takes monk Tong (Wang Chen) and his disciples to contemporary Hong Kong. Pigsy (Chen Fei-lung) sneaks a peek at glittery Hong Kong through a magical mirror in heaven. After accidentally breaking it, Pigsy escapes into Hong Kong, causing Tong, Monkey King (Tian Qing) and Monk Sha to follow him in pursuit. There, the trio – now in human form - encounters a shady casino owner and a nightclub hostess who tries to seduce Monkey King. Also a clever twist on Shaw Brothers' urban comedy genre, the screenplay by Wang Liuzhao brings the tale's most famous villains over to the modern mad world by molding their qualities into the villains of the human world.

Date Time Venue
6/2/2016 (Sat) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
14/2/2016 (Sun) 4:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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