Heavenly Match

Heavenly Match
aka Phony Couples

Dir/Scr: Mok Hong-si
Prod Co: Dehua
Cast: Wong Chiu-mo, Cheng Bik-ying, Cheung Ying, Fong Yim-fun
1956 / B&W / D Beta / Cantonese / 80min

Another courtship drama directed by Mok Hong-si ten years later, Heavenly Match is a more sophisticated piece that proved Mok's comedic sensitivity in building up anticipations in his films. After graduating from university in Singapore, three Hong Kong couples decide to get married in a mass wedding ceremony to prevent their respective parents from stopping their marriages. Unfortunately, one mistakenly captioned photo mixed up the identities of husbands and wives, causing a series of hilarious misunderstandings. As one mistaken identity piles on another, so do the laughs in this hilarious farce by director Mok Hong-si. However, Heavenly Match isn't just another farcical romantic comedy; it also deals with characters that are standing at the crossroads, trying to decide between love and money. This is especially apparent in the newly-weds Cheung Ying and Fong Yim-fun, who are more worried about losing a $200,000 investment from Fong's father than losing the love of their lives.

Date Time Venue
23/1/2016 (Sat) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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