Our Dream Car

Our Dream Car

Dir/Scr: Evan Yang
Prod Co: MP & GI
Cast: Grace Chang, Chang Yang, Kelly Lai Chen, Liu Enjia
1959 / B&W / D Beta / Mandarin / 100min

Newlyweds Zhang Daming (Chang Yang) and Li Jiaying (Grace Chang) work themselves ragged for their dream car. Not content with just driving behind the wheel, Li enters into the ‘Miss Dream Car' pageant and wins, but her newfound fame sours their relationship and foments it into endless quarrels. Grace Chang effortlessly charmed with her impish cheekiness and zingy vibe and shared with her co-star an enviable on-screen chemistry that rivals Hollywood's golden couple, Doris Day and Rock Hudson. While the great romance brewing underneath the constant state of playful banter and bickering harkens back to classic screwball rom-coms, the camera offers a panoramic view from the heart of Victoria City to Queen's Pier along a coastline zigzagged by a maze of roads, painting a sweeping yet intimate portrait of the bustling metropolis in the making, which emits an aura that is vibrant, chic and unmistakably middle-class.

Date Time Venue
26/2/2016 (Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
25/3/2016 (Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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