Mambo Girl

Mambo Girl

Dir/Scr: Evan Yang
Cast: Grace Chang, Peter Chen Ho, Kitty Ting Hao, Liu Enjia
1957 / B&W / D Beta / Mandarin / 96min

Tailor-written for Grace Chang, this is a perfect showcase for her musical talent that established her as the premium star of the Mandarin musical's golden years. Chang's Mambo Girl is a free spirit who bursts spontaneously into song and dance, often surrounded by an assortment of swinging hipsters. Her performance is matched every step of the way by Peter Chen Ho, initiated by the Mambo Girl into the world of beat and rhythm. If she's the Fred Astaire of Mandarin musicals, he's the genre's Ginger Rogers. Yet the film is not without drama, as the title damsel briefly halts the music to go on a search for roots and identity in a compelling sequence that puts the story in historical perspective.

Date Time Venue
21/2/2016 (Sun) # 1:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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