Love Lingers On

Love Lingers On

Dir/Scr: Tso Kea
Orig Story: Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights
Prod Co: MP & GI
Cast: Cheung Ying, Mui Yee, Chow Kwun-ling, Cheung Ching, Wong Man-lei
1957 / B&W / D Beta / Cantonese / 119min

Tso Kea was adroit in adapting film and literary classics from the West, organically transplanting stories and characters onto Chinese soil and nurturing them to glorious fruition. Love Lingers On is based on the gothic novel Wuthering Heights and Tso shepherds Emily Brontë's tale of profound passion, thwarted love and bitter vengefulness with a perfect balance of broad narrative strokes and delicate orchestration of mise-en-scène. He wisely concentrates on the lead characters' simmering mental troubles, greatly enhanced by stars Cheung Ying and Mui Yee, who overcome glaring age differences with their characters to bring life to this saga of vivid emotions. A timeless classic of jealousy, sibling rivalry, extra-marital affair, and unrequited love, the film successfully transposes the Victorian England setting to turn of the century China.

Date Time Venue
12/3/2016 (Sat) # 1:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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