

Dir: Tang Huang
Scr: Qin Yifu (aka Nellie Chin Yu)
Prod Co: MP & GI
Cast: Kitty Ting Hao, Chang Yang, Roy Chiao, Wang Lai
1960 / B&W / D Beta / Cantonese (Dubbed) / 98min

With a rag doll, Tang masterfully weaves together the stories of two girls from impoverished circumstances whose vastly different fates are sealed by the choices they make. Kitty Ting Hao plays the dual roles of the mother and her daughter: housemaid Lingling who has a daughter born out of wedlock with the young master Jiahe (Chang Yang) and dies in childbirth and in anguish; the now 18-year-old Xiaoling, a daring and strong-minded nightclub singer who zealously defends her love with the rich heir (Roy Chiao) and finds her happy ending. Tang's polished treatment of dramatic and pathos-filled scenes paves way for the two contrasting halves to unfold: while he adheres to the age-old tune of the upper-class looking down upon the poor, the daughter is portrayed in a refreshing, uplifting light that presages her avoidance of the ill-fated mistake made by her mother.

Date Time Venue
5/3/2016 (Sat) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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