Sun, Moon and Star (Part 1)

Sun, Moon and Star (Part 1)

Dir: Evan Yang
Scr: Qin Yifu (aka Nellie Chin Yu)
Orig Story: Xu Su's novel of the same title
Prod Co: MP & GI
Cast: Grace Chang, Lucilla You Min, Julie Yeh Feng, Chang Yang, Tian Qing
1961 / Colour / D Beta / Mandarin / 99min

This is the closest Mandarin cinema comes to producing its own version of Gone with the Wind (1939). Adapted from an enormously popular novel, Sun, Moon and Star is a love story set in the turbulent times of World War II. The celestial bodies in the title refer to three women, each representing a different idealised aspect of womanhood, all in love with the same weak-minded man. In the title roles are Julie Yeh Feng as the tough and radiant "Sun", Grace Chang as the pure and gentle "Moon", and Lucilla You Min, who bagged a Golden Horse Award for Best Actress, as the delicate and self-sacrificing "Star". Loved by all three is the quixotic Xu (Chang Yang), probably the most pathetic romantic hero in film history, often making wrong decisions and always dominated by the people in his life.

Date Time Venue
28/2/2016 (Sun) 2:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
13/3/2016 (Sun) 2:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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