

Dir: Griffin Yueh Feng
Scr: Ma Lin (aka Sima Man-sum)
Prod Co: Great Wall
Cast: Hsia Moon, Yan Jun, Kung Chiu-hsia, Su Qin, Luo Lan, Ping Fan
1952 / B&W / D Beta / Mandarin / 75min

Nyonyah relates the story of how a newlywed couple fight against an archaic marriage arrangement still in practice in southern China. Shortly after the birth of new China, teacher Bingxiong (Yan Jun) and his wife Yongfen (Hsia Moon) returned home from Southeast Asia and discovered that his parents had already arranged him a marriage to his cousin, making him a husband to two wives. With the help of an open-minded school principal, they were able to break free from such absurdity. Bingxiong's mother and his cousin were both the enforcers and victims of an exploited tradition, proving the need of liberation. The sunless and confined environment of the studio set constituted a depressing mood of enslavement. Hsia Moon's "Nyonyah" (born with Chinese and Malay parents) image constitutes a big contrast with the old village house, symbolizes the new hope for free love and marriage. This casting is not just simply an add-on of Malay exotic elements, but more an encouraging note to mobilize Nanyang expatriates to return to serve their motherland.

Date Time Venue
28/8/2015 (Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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