

Dir: Yim Ho
Scrs: Yim Ho, Kong Liang
Prod: Hsia Moon
Prod Co: Bluebird, Pineast, Taiji
Cast: Josephine Koo, Siqin Gaowa, Tse Wai-hung
1984 / Colour / D Beta / Cantonese / Chi & Eng subtitles / 94min

Hong Kong had plunged into an abyss of fear in the early 1980s after a series of Sino-British negotiations were taken to decide on the future of the then colony. Director Yim Ho's film tells the story of a woman who returns to her Guangdong village to escape the Hong Kong pressure cooker, rekindling friendships and reigniting long-extinguished romantic feelings in the peaceful, pastoral air. The China here is a land of roots and affections, its simplicity standing as an alluring alternative to the dog eat dog capitalism and sister against sister modernity of Hong Kong. After Boat People, this is yet another ambitious production spearheaded by Hsia Moon that won six awards in one go at the 4th Hong Kong Film Awards.

Date Time Venue
4/9/2015 (Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
20/9/2015 (Sun) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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