Sweet Girl in Terror

Sweet Girl in Terror

Dir: Chow Sze-luk
Scr: Chan Wan
Cast: Cheung Ying-choi, Patricia Lam Fung, Mak Kay, Ha Wai, Pak Tip
1958 / Colour / D Beta / Cantonese / 88min

In 1955, Shaw & Sons established a Cantonese film unit. Later led by director Chow Sze-luk, the unit recruited and groomed young talents like Patricia Lam Fung, Cheung Ying-choi, Mak Kay and Patrick Lung Kong. Gorgeous and fashionable, Lam quickly became one of Shaw's biggest idols, starring in over half of the Cantonese unit's films. Tailor-made for the young diva, this mystery thriller features a twist-filled plot that also incorporates elements of a schoolyard romance, giving Lam (just 17 years old at the time) the chance to show off her bright, youthful persona and stretch her acting muscles in the dramatic scenes. This screening is also a tribute to the late Mak Kay, who gave an iconic performance as a slick, stylish motorcycle-riding teddy boy.

Date Time Venue
21/12/2014 (Sun) 2:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
26/12/2014 (Fri) 2:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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