My Lucky Star

My Lucky Star

Dir/Scr: Ho Moon-hwa
Cast: King Hu, Betty Loh Ti, Julie Shih Yen, Kao Pao-shu, Fei Li
1963 / B&W / D Beta / Mandarin / Chi & Eng Subtitles / 102min

Run Run Shaw and director Ho Moon-hwa took a huge risk in casting King Hu as the lead of a comedy. Fortunately, their bet paid off handsomely as Hu – who acted in nearly 40 films before becoming a filmmaker – was hilariously over-the-top in his best performance since The Deformed (1960). Hu stars as the owner of a failed silk factory who has to create inventive ways to fend off his debtors, find his missing wife (Betty Loh Ti) and escape torture by a group of thieves. Each set piece in Ho's script is funnier than the last, tickling audiences from beginning to end. In the film's funniest set piece, our hero stumbles to try all possible ways to commit suicide, creating a morbidly hilarious scene that echoes the physical comedy style of Charlie Chaplin.

Date Time Venue
11/1/2015 (Sun) 2:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
18/1/2015 (Sun) 2:00pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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