Oh Boys! Oh Girls!

Oh Boys! Oh Girls!

Dir: Doe Ching
Orig Story: Yi Dai
Scrs: Doe Ching, Fang Longxiang
Cast: Paul Chang Chung, Margaret Tu Chuan, Chiao Chuang, Florence Yu Fung-chi
1961 / B&W / D Beta / Dubbed in Cantonese English Subtitles / 104min

Fans of Doe Ching's Our Sister Hedy (1957) will love this youth romance. Hailing from a humble family, Yi-fang (Margaret Tu Chuan) and Yi-lan (Florence Yu Fung-chi) are two sisters with two very different personalities. The two sisters clash when a westernized playboy first succeeds in wooing Yi-fang, only to also go after Yi-lan. In addition to Paul Chang Chung – used to playing nerdy dopes – as the playboy, the romantic comedy also co-stars Chiao Chuang as an impulsive, rebellious teen rocker. A master dramatist, Doe gives every character a moment in the sun, even developing a subplot for the sisters' parents involving the reappearance of an old flame. Like All the Best, the print used for this screening was retrieved back from the States. Even though Cantonese-dubbed, this is a rare opportunity to catch these early Shaw Brothers romantic comedies on the big screen.

Date Time Venue
3/1/2015 (Sat) 4:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
7/2/2015 (Sat) 4:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

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