Programme 5

Lesser Men
A Man of Men
To Shoot or not to Shoot

Dir: Law Hung-chung
Scrs: Lau Gang, Lai Hon-cho (Lesser Men); Law Fong-kin (A Man of Men, To Shoot or not to Shoot)
Cast: Leung Ming, Kot Kin-ching, Fung Shui-chen (Lesser Men); Poon Chi-man, Lam Ka-wah (A Man of Men); Shek Sau, Yim Chau-wa, Chiu Hung (To Shoot or not to Shoot)
1974-75 / Colour / D Beta / Cantonese / Around 24 min per episode, totaling 70 min

When Cheung Man-yee took over Below the Lion Rock as producer, assistant director Law Hung-chung was promoted to director. Production followed the old system, keeping the resettlement housing setting as subplot. In terms of themes, the series continued to look at current events for inspirations, but it also made an effort to create more multi-dimensional characters and evolve its visual style. The story of several boys running away from home in search of employment to prove that they're superior to adults, Lesser Men explores the problem of child labor through the eyes of the young laborers. The confession of a policeman about the baseless and unreasonable accusation he hears from normal citizens everyday, A Man of Men is a sympathetic portrayal of a tough profession and the honest people who work in it. On the other side of the coin, To Shoot or not to Shoot dramatically explores the problem of the police exercising excessive force.

Date Time Venue
6/3/2015 (Fri) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the presenter. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.