Programme 3

Rental Burden
In Debt to My Parents
My Father's Suit

Dir: Wong Wah-kay
Scr: Liang Li-jen
Cast: Leung Ming, Chan Ka-yee, Kot Kin-ching, Fung Shui-chen, Sai Kwa Pau, Cheung Ying, Kenneth Tsang Kong
1974 / Colour / D Beta / Cantonese / Around 25 min per episode, totaling 75 min

Under the direction of Wong Wah-kay, Below the Lion Rock was a sitcom-style show that explored social issues from the perspective of one family living in a resettlement estate. Following the dogmatic storytelling style of classic Cantonese films, the show approached the issues in a down-to-earth manner. Using scenes of family patriarch Tak fantasizing himself as the Director of the Housing Authority, Rental Burden attempted to create a balanced look at the problem of rapidly rising rent by looking at multiple sides of the issue. Through the story of a neighborhood teahouse, In Debt to My Parents looked at the issue of child rearing and encouraged audiences to appreciate the joy of being with family. Using a suit as a MacGuffin, My Father's Suit depicts a clash in beliefs between two generations and the mutual understanding they eventually reach.

Date Time Venue
28/2/2015 (Sat) 7:30pm Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive

The contents of the programme do not represent the views of the presenter. The presenter reserves the right to change the programme should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.